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June 17, 2014

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair Chris Burke, Bob Callahan, Amy Everitt
Absent: Jim Shea, Leslie Tuttle
Others Present:         Bill Wooley, Tim Shea, Natalie Femino, Mark Lovely, Pam Katsiris, Wilson Pena, Hope Watt-Bucci, Councillor Elaine Milo, Teasie Riley-Goggins
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Burke at 6:49pm.

Approval of March Minutes

Callahan motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.


Tim Shea – Salem State (Forest River Park)

Salem State Alumni Relay Race on Saturday, September 27, 2014 and part of a weekend long alumni event.  First time event and planning to use the path that goes through Forest River Park for a fun race.

Burke asked Shea if other people can use the park at the same time and Shea said yes.

Everitt asked if it’s ok for her to vote on this since she’s a Salem State employee.  Burke says they should vote on it first.

Callahan motions to approve and Everitt seconds. Passes unanimously.

Natalie Femino – Puppy Mill Awareness (Salem Common)

8th year of this event at the Salem Common. They do a raffle, trainings, and demonstration.  Femino noted that she applied late and there was a wedding using the bandstand, so they’ll use a generator.  Everitt motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Burke asks about the time involved and to clarify that.  Burke asked if the noise from Femino’s event will interfere with the wedding and Femino will make sure the DJ they have will not interrupt during the ceremony.  Femino commented that her event would go as far away from the bandstand as possible.  Burke suggested Femino sort out the details with Partanan or Duffy.  

Motion passes unanimously.

Mark Lovely – Wreaths Across America (Winter Island)

Parking Plan - Spoke to Plummer Home who has authorized 75-100 cars at their location.  Lovely will need to get insurance.  He looked into Fort Ave and found there was plenty of parking there and it seems good.  Has sent the Ward Councillor multiple emails and hasn’t heard back.  Also spoke to Captain Gilligan to work with Lovely to keep the expense down on the Salem Police Department side.

Callahan is concerned that it be run right so that it’s successful and one of the most important things is the blessing of the Ward Councillor.  Callahan expressed that the parking plan has to be very specific so the police can implement it.  Callahan suggests Lovely do something smaller.  Lovely responded that financially it’s not feasible.  

Burke commented that they had approved it subject to the Ward Councillor’s ok. Lovely commented that he got one email back from Councillor McCarthy and hasn’t gotten his ok.  Burke commented that it’s already been approved.  Callahan added that the Commission gives the approval to use Winter Island only and the other boards/commissions still need to ok it.

Everitt commented that Lovely shared the update and Lovely complied with this.  

Pam Katsiris – Greek Picnic (Winter Island)

Went back to the picnic committee and commented that the whole event usually nets $8,000 - $9,000.  They felt it was a big expense for their community members to pay for parking, etc. and is asking the Park and Recreation Commission for a reduction in the parking fee.  Burke asked what the fee is for the picnic and Katsiris said it was $2 and other foods were a la carte.  She shared the price list with the Commission.

Burke discussed with Katsiris ways to avoid people misrepresenting the parking issues.  Everitt asked Katsiris if she talked with Partanan and Katsiris replied that she had and Partanan suggested she speak to the Commission.  

Burke added that since this is a big event, it does put stress on the park and they don’t want people who have parking passes to not be able to park on the Island.  

Everitt motions that the parking fee be $8.  Callahan moves to amend it and make it 50% of whatever the weekend fee is.  Passes unanimously.  Callahan stated that the logistics of that should be worked out with Partanan.

Wilson Pena – Ministerio Cristiano (Salem Common)

Has an application to use the Salem Common to for a religious service on Saturday, August 30, 2014.

Burke asked if they’re going to use a microphone and amplifier.  Everitt asked if they’re going to have music and Pena replied that they’re going to have a chorus.  

Burke commented that they approve applications from church groups all the time and wanted to know if this is for a service for their church and/or for the general public.

Callahan asked if Pena ever asked if they ever considered using Peabody Park.  Callahan thinks that would be a good location and it’s easy to get to.  And, then stressed that it might be a better location.  Pena’s only concern is that they’ve already started planning it for the Common.  Burke commented that this is totally up to Pena.  Pena responded that they’ve already got a few events in the Point and wanted to expand out of the Point.

Everitt motions to approve and asked Pena if he changes his mind and wants to use Peabody Park, that’s fine.  Pena commented that Katie Duffy informed him that the Common is available at that time (3-7pm).  Burke added that if they’re using an amplifier at the Common, they can only do it between 3-7pm.

Callahan seconds and added that it’s restricted from 3-7pm.  Passes unanimously.

Hope Watt-Bucci – Pride (Salem Common)

President of North Shore Pride.  Has approval for 3rd annual pride festival.  Asking to inquire about the potential food truck “The Bad Boy Burrito Company” who wants to participate.  They’ve had problems with local restaurants wanting to participate.  The owner prepares all the food and donates 25% of the proceeds Open Hearts of Haverhill.  Board of Health has waived their fee.

Callahan commented that if they do approve it, Watt-Bucci needs to coordinate with Partanan to make sure the truck doesn’t damage the sprinklers on the Common and is contingent of the Board of Health approval.

Callahan motions to approve on the contingency that they get the full approval.  Everitt seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Health Screening Truck – Callahan commented that this should go through parking.

Watt-Bucci commented that they’ve gotten approval for the beer tent and Chief Tucker had commented to her about the drink restriction (of 3).  

Callahan commented that years ago when the Witches Cup first started, the restrictions were conservative.  Watt-Bucci commented that the letter she got from Partanan stating there were restrictions (of 3 drinks).

Callahan suggested she go back to the licensing board to clarify.  

Everitt makes a motion that they have no intention to restrict the number of drinks based on their previous decision.  Callahan amends the motion to state that it was permission (for beer/wine tent) to be on the Common with no restrictions.

Passes unanimously.

Adam Fitch – Zombie Walk  - Absent

Superintendent’s Report

Revenue Reports – received by email from Partanan.  Callahan commented that he noticed the Golf Course was down, but that seemed related to the weather.

Kernwood Marina – Nothing additional to the information provided to the Commission in their packet.

Wooley – his sense is the Harbor Master is going to be more attentive.

Parks & Facility

Mack Park House – solicitor is finalizing the lease and hopes tenants will be in by August 1, 2014.

Aquatic Services – YMCA is moving forward and the pool is running.  Pump has failed and should be functional by June 28, 2014.  

Heritage American Band – Will be playing at the Willows on July 5, 2014

Adjournment at 7:34pm

Next Meeting July 15, 2014